we're all in this together
Hi, I am Jason Colero, Community and Education Program Specialist at Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment.
Welcome to the Huddle Up Program! I founded the Huddle up program in 2001 as an assembly program that combined powerful personal testimonial from athletes and staff with student empowerment to get students to speak up to prevent bullying in their schools. I created it because I experienced bullying before working with the Toronto Argonauts and it was the courageous voice of one of my high school football teammates that saved me. As time went on with the Argos, I quickly realized that there was no place for bullying on any team! Now the Toronto Argonauts, Maple Leafs, Raptors, and Toronto FC have joined forces to create this platform to help teachers, parents, staff, and students to create a positive school culture by increasing awareness around bullying prevention, mental health, social justice, and inclusion.
The power of sport gives people a voice to stand up and work to eradicate bullying, racism, and discrimination. Here with our teams on MLSE we are family, and your teams, classrooms, schools, and communities are part of our values. Speak up and let us make sure no one ever feels they are alone.
Thank you for joining us and our supporter Hudson Bay Foundation on this journey to promote a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion by increasing awareness around mental health, social justice, and bullying prevention. We hope we can empower all of you to be leaders and act to make a difference on your team.
2021 closed the year off with a great conversation on allyship.

how it works
Student Committee
The Huddle Up Student Committee consists of approximately 10 students, guided by a teacher adviser, who lead bullying awareness and prevention initiatives throughout the year at their school.
Online Platform
Written by teachers, supported by PREVNet, and aligned with Ontario’s Health and Physical Education Curriculum, the platform provides students in grades 6-9 the opportunity to work through a series of interactive, online modules to deepen learning and practice strategies to strengthen relationships and overall well-being. The modules include pre and post assessments to inform teaching and learning. The online platform will also include vetted resources and activities to help the Huddle Up Committee with their work.
Player Assembly
The Huddle Up Player Assembly amplifies the Huddle Up Committee’s efforts with messaging from a Toronto Argonauts, Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors, or Toronto FC player. 40 schools will receive either a virtual or in person player assembly each year.
Program Benefits
A cost-free learning tool for schools
Initiatives aimed at reducing bullying and improving student well-being
Student leadership and engagement opportunities
Social-emotional learning modules, includes the promotion of healthy relationships, bullying prevention and social justice
Monthly challenges with great prizes
Opportunities for schools and their communities for other MLSE programs and initiatives