Coping ScEnarios
Select whether the following scenarios are healthy or unhealthy

Shanik is worried about the upcoming playoffs for her hockey team and decides whenever she is stressed she will just sleep too avoid the thoughts.

Cory saw a few Instagram comments about them that were not very nice. Cory was about to respond in a very aggressive manner but instead put down the phone and decided to take a few deep breaths.

Amina has been dealing with some issues at home. It's affecting her school but decides not to talk about it.

John was told by the coach that he will probably sit out the next game or so. This makes him feel as though he isn’t good enough for anything. He also sees himself as inadequate in the sport and will probably fail at anything he does. He keeps his feelings of failure inside and finds himself eating large amounts o food throughout the days. He feels better when he eats so continues to do this.